Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Green house gases and climate change

Literarilly green house gases mean gases in a green house it is  a child's intepretation.The green house effect is a metaphor and used to explain the Earth's changing climate.What  causes the green house effect..?who is responsible for it?The green house gases include water vapour ( H2O)carbondioxide (CO2)methane (CH4)
and chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs).Methane is a gas which mainly comes from animal manure.Other gases like nitrogen oxide and chlorofluorocarbons are man made gases
that get caught in the atmosphere.The decay of animal and respiration are two main natural sources of carbodioxide.The people of the world should have awarness of the climate change and try to slow down the emission of green house gases or find ways to balance the gases ,so that climate doesn't change rapidly.The most  important thing is awareness and international cooperation to slow down the production of chlorofluoro carbons, reduce or limit carbon foot print by using  lesser amount of fossil fuels.That would dramatically slow down the process of global warming.

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